Sunday, May 26, 2013

Down, but not out...

Just wanted to let you all know I have not forgotten about you!  In the past three weeks I've had both my boys sick, my husband's graduation, a trip to Hershey Pennsylvania, my apple computer crashing (two days to get it back up and running) and summed it all up today with my son's 4th birthday and a super hero themed party.

It has been nuts to say the least.

I've got lots floating around in my head and hope to catch up with some postings soon.  I most importantly want to finish the Shooting in Manual series ~ so keep an eye out for that.

Lovely Tulips Given to Me from My Dear Sister
Instagram Photo
© Corrie M Avila

So whatever you may be going through, hang in there!  Live in the present and focus on the now.  The past is over and the future can be worried about later.  Now, as for me, I'm going to get a little sleep.  My newly turned four year old is back with a cough so I'm not sure how much sleep I'll get tonight.

My Little Guy Snoozing Next to Me
(I love how he's sleeping on his hand <3)
Instagram Photo
© Corrie M Avila

Capturing the Moment,

Corrie <3

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Washington DC Photo Exhibition featuring a Photograph by Yours Truly

In the wake of a very difficult start to May, I got some VERY exciting news!  I was informed that one of my Cherry Blossom photos was chosen to be displayed in an exhibition called Photowalk Underground.  My photo will be one of 150 photos capturing the Cherry Blossom festival in Washington DC.  The exhibit started yesterday (5/10/13) and runs for six months.  Our Mother's Day plans tomorrow include going and seeing it in person.

Oldest section of Cherry Blossom Trees
Tidal Basin ~ Washington, DC
ISO 100 ~ 50mm ~ F/11 ~ 1/200 sec
© Corrie M Avila

This exhibition is part of the Art Underground initiative in Crystal City, VA.  Here is a map of where the photos will be displayed.  If you go, please let me know!!  I'll follow up after we make our trip there tomorrow.

Getting closer and closer to our move date  has been very bittersweet for me, but knowing I am leaving a piece of me in DC is a nice gift <3

Capturing the Moment,

Corrie <3

Monday, May 6, 2013

Manual Tutorial #6 ~ The Light Meter

The Light Meter

There are two types of light meters.  The hand held kind and the internal type that is inside your camera.  I am going to talk about the internal light meter.  In Tutorials 3-5 we discussed ISO, Aperture, and Shutter Speed.  Now that you know what each of these components are and what they do, it is time to start applying what you have learned.

© Corrie M Avila

On my camera I have my screen set so that I can see my settings there.  Some may choose to have a live view of their lens, but I choose to keep it locked to showing my settings.  The arrow is pointing to the light meter.

I also have a view of my settings when I look through my viewfinder as pictured below.  The number 320 is my shutter speed and 3.5 is my aperture.  The middle is the light meter.  The number 400 is my ISO setting.    

© Corrie M Avila

If you look through your viewfinder and don't see anything, you may need to halfway press your shutter to make them appear.  This is convenient so that if you are taking photos, you can keep your camera to your eye and adjust settings at the same time.

Your goal is to put your hashmark right dead center on the "0."  There are situations and circumstances where you will purposefully want to have your hash +1 or -1 (for example), but for right now we will assume that keeping it on "0" is the sweet spot.

In this example, you can see the hash mark is just to the right of the "2"...  

© Corrie M Avila

I will increase my shutter speed from 1/6 to 1/30.  And now my light meter hash mark is at "0"~ right where I want it.

© Corrie M Avila

Homework for Tutorial 6

Put your camera in P mode and see what your settings are.  Write them down.  Now put your camera in M mode and replicate those settings.  Watch your hashmark and have your goal be to get right under the zero.  Now write those settings down.  Are they the same?  They may possibly be slightly different and that is okay, but they should be close.  Everything affects your light meter ~ from the direction you are pointing your camera, to a shadow passing, to the sun going behind a cloud.  Try to keep your external light situation the same while you are practicing this.

How is everyone feeling with this so far?  If there is an area you still need help with, please feel free to reread the tutorials, emailfacebook, or comment below.  I am here on this journey with you <3

Finish the Series with {Wrapping Up}

Capturing the Moment,

Corrie <3

If you are just now joining us, make sure to start at the beginning with Tutorial 1!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Never Lose A Single Moment with the People you Care About the Most

This past week was the hardest week of my adult life (except giving birth of course).  My youngest son and I were recovering from the crud the week before and were finally starting to feel better towards the end of the weekend.  But on Monday my other son, Gabriel, started to get sick.  It was the high fever, stomach bug, couldn't keep anything down sort of sickness.  By Thursday I knew something was really wrong so I brought him to the military clinic.  After three hours there it was evident I needed to take him to the ER.  It was very obvious he had severe dehydration, but with the addition of other presenting symptoms, they were also considering appendicitis.

This was a VERY scary time for me.  This is the first time that either of my kids have needed more medical attention than for bronchitis or a bumped head.  I watched as he got his first IV and had blood taken.  Held his hand as he cried with a painful ultrasound on his abdomen and reassured him as they prepped him for a CT scan.  But thankfully, his other symptoms were all stemming from the dehydration and whatever bug he originally got ~ and it was not something more serious (like appendicitis) that would have required surgery.  Had he needed surgery, I know we would have gotten through it, but I thank God he didn't.

In the midst of our hardships this week, we also had many positive things happen to be thankful for.  Our house is now rented (woohoo), my husband finished his last assignment for his Masters Degree (DOUBLE WOOHOO), and we have our living situation for our move to Florida finalized.  But more important than all of that, is my family is all back home safe, sound, and on the road to recovery.

Don't every get caught up in all the things that "must" get done or too busy to do the things that matter the most with the people who are everything to you <3

So this brings me to what is okay and what is not okay to take photos of?  While my little guy was in pain, I was 100% not thinking about taking photos.  But while he was resting and I was just staring at him, I wanted to capture that moment in time.

These photos were all taken with my iPhone with some minor edits in Photoshop.  The photos are not good quality, there is quite a bit of noise in some of them, and the composition is lacking... but they accomplish their purpose.  Maybe my son will want to see them when he get's older, maybe not.  But I have them in case.

And here he is feeling much better <3

While we were waiting for many of the tests and results, I kept telling Gabriel how brave he was being.  I told him it was okay to be scared and it was even okay to cry.... that I would be there right next to him holding his hand.  We made it through this, our most difficult challenge yet and our family is stronger for it.

Capturing the Moment,

Corrie <3