Monday, December 10, 2012

again with the "lasts".....

This post is completely off topic and filled with wonderful ramblings ~ don't say you weren't appropriately warned :)

I am desperately trying to move forward into the Christmas season, but I feel like I am moving one step forward and two steps back...  As if life went into fast forward the beginning of November and is showing no signs of slowing down.

Being that we were in New York City for the first week of December, we postponed most activities we normally do after Thanksgiving.  We came home to a house still adorned with Fall and Thanksgiving items.  It has been slow motion moving forward from here...

  • Dec 5 ~ Arrive home from NYC exhausted, but happy to be home in our own beds
  • Dec 6 ~ Happily opened up 6 of the doors to our Lego Advent Calendar we bought for the boys.  Making sure to explain that we were only opening up 6 because we missed the first five days.
Lego Advent Calendar
Instagram Photo
© Corrie M Avila
  • Dec 7 ~ Went out and bought the Christmas Tree, but didn't have a stand... and didn't realize we were missing the stand until we were home with the tree.  (insert great use for tupperware)  Reminded boys that we are only opening up one advent door each day ~ this resulted in the end of the world for my 3 y/o.
Our sad sad tree...
Instagram Photo
© Corrie M Avila
  • Dec 8 ~ Our fantastic friends graciously lent us their extra tree stand and even delivered it to our front door (I am assuming the tupperware must have looked pretty pathetic).  Reminded the boys again that we only open up one door a day.  Less tears today.
  • Dec 9 ~ I then piled all the Thanksgiving items in a corner and my husband brought the Christmas boxes down.  Now insert Thanksgiving and Christmas hanging out in the Living Room in their respective bins.  As I intervene the opening of ALL the doors on the advent calendar, I am considering making it "disappear" until Christmas Eve ~ that way they can open them all and be done with it.
My Favorite Mr and Mrs Pilgrim
Instagram Photo
© Corrie M Avila
  • Dec 10 ~ I FINALLY got all the Thanksgiving stuff packed away ~ only to realize it now doesn't fit.  Sigh, now I need another bin.  Advent calendar still exists and I only had to break up one fight over who's turn it was to open a door.

So now that we are current ~ the plan for tomorrow is to put up the lights while my oldest is in school to then be able to decorate when he comes home.  I can't wait to put up all of the decorations and be able to start shooting some dreamy Christmas photos <3

I also was scouring the internet for homemade Christmas gift ideas and came across a link to make a Christmas Tree Ornament Mobile ~ I plan on giving it a shot!  I bet it will make spectacular photos!!

On another note ~ while I was putting away the Thanksgiving items ~ the realization hit me that this we just had our "last" Thanksgiving here and will be going into our "last" Christmas.  Most people's lives are marked with births, deaths, decades, and seasons.  A military family's life is marked and run by tours.  The countdown is always on, even when it has yet to begin.  This move is the hardest so far because I have really settled into the area, made friends with some pretty incredible people,  my oldest has started real school with Kindergarten, and we have found a church (6 months before moving) that we love.

But even though I am teary eyed even as I type, I know I cannot dwell on this.  We have to live for the moment and take each day as it comes.  But it does make me want to pull my camera out more than usual to capture life as it is now.... so we don't forget <3

Happy Shooting!

Corrie <3

1 comment:

  1. This is my favorite entry of all your blogs so far! I keep coming back to re-read it.

    Yes, it is sad to leave one place and move on to another, but you, your hubby and your sons have all grown so much. You arrived, almost three years ago, at the closing of your beautiful new Virginia residence in a harried frenzy of boxes, movers, a dog, an infant and a yet to be toilet trained toddler - Now that both your young sons are in "big boy" pants, can eat meals with relative civility, and share one lego Avent calendar, your next station will be even better than the present one. It will be a time of seeing your family through its next stage of development - both boys will soon be in school full time, leaving you freedom to seek out and find your new fellowship and new favorite haunts unhindered by diaper bags, strollers and the occasional urge to start your children's "quiet" time five minutes after they arise in the mornings!
    Best yet, is in your expression of your anticipation of your next move: you are looking forward to all of the family photo ops you have remaining at this station! When you arrived in Virginia, you were still taking really nice snapshots, and now, look at you! Craving that next "photo op" like a bee craves honey!!! You have really grown in your craft and I am proud of you! Happy view-finding, daughter!!!
    love, Mom
    p.s. when you start un-packing at your new station next summer, I bet you find your missing phone handset with the now "really dead" battery; the now useless spare keys and, most of all, the missing pacifier whose MIA behavior had really set tested your mothering instincts . . .
